Ontario's MNR history for…

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Ontario's MNR history for clear cutting massive areas of old growth Boreal forest gives Canada a bad reputation among other nations who are actually grappling with Climate Change. What the MNR does for forestry management is worse than whats happening in the Amazon. It also further endangers the Woodland Carribou and many other wildlife species.
The MNR goals for Ont forests reduce our chances for a healthy biosphere by consistently pushing for monoculture forests which leave us open for large amounts of tree loss due to disease and insect attack . To make matters even worse for fish and game and all wildlife MNR promotes the use Roundup on replanted areas and then blames wolves for the lack of deer and moose. Roundup has been implicated in non Hodgkins Lymphoma and is the subject of numerous law suits. Currently I understand their is a group of ist Nation Elders in the Sault Staint Marie area who are suing the Canadian government for loss of game etc due to the use of Glyphosates by MNR contractors.
In short ,MNR operation is a store front for selling off Ontarios resources. So please don't make matters even worse by opening the door wider to the logging industry who only care about their profits
Crown Lands belong to the people of Ontario and need to be managed for Our Best interest !! not some foreign corporation!! pouring money into Conservative coffers !! We are watching you Douggy!!