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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes embedded in Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy.

My primary concern is that the reduction in regulations that pertain to the industry will significantly increase extraction (nearly double), at a time when Ontario's Crown Land represents a significant carbon sink, and extensive habitat for many flora and fauna.

My secondary concern is the proposal to utilize more of Ontario's wood as fuel, at a time when we should be working hard to de-carbonize our energy economy. While this is not fossil carbon, we simply don't have the luxury of time anymore to add to our carbon emissions if we are to effectively address the climate crisis. Recent forest lifecycle analyses indicate that biomass combustion is not an effective strategy to replace fossil-fuels:

"Unfortunately, our results indicate that [burning] wood worsens climate change through the rest of this century at least – even when wood displaces coal, the most carbon intensive fuel." —John D Sterman, MIT Sloan School of Management

While there are some elements of the proposal, like maximizing the use of mill by-products, and improving inventory information systems, the primary thrust of the proposed changes are aimed at a significant increase in extraction.

What such a proposal fails to account for are the natural services like air purification, water filtration, erosion protection and carbon sequestration that would be significantly compromised, and tax payers would be on the hook for expensive technological substitutions.

Please consider a full-cost accounting assessment when determining whether the changes proposed here are truly 'sustainable'.

Thank you.