These are the changes to the…

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These are the changes to the act that we would like to see;

1. If a 78 report is 100% assessed to 1 landowner.. could the Court of Revision be removed all together? Save 30 day period then go right to passing the bylaw? Landowner could sign a waiver to appeal (waive their rights to appeal at the Court of Revision).
2. If a culvert bridge collapses and requires a Section 76. could we replace it while the engineer is preparing the report and then bill the work onto the new assessment schedule? OR could we get emergency designation to proceed before completing the engineers report?
3. Material change from Engineer’s report ex. Replacing a culvert spec’d at CSP – change material to new technology BOSS etc or headwall replacement from jutebags, provided that the proposed change doesn't affect the design in the report. There should be some consideration for the established Ontario Provincial standards and specifications.
4. Somewhere have a statement that allows us as Drainage Superintendents to complete work as long as…. If follows DART Protocol…
5. Relocating a drain, re-aligning a drain without a Section 78 report.. but a letter of opinion.
6. List of preapproved activities similar to those provided in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. This would cover the minor improvements noted in your number 2 streamline approvals; but also include additional activities such as Installing additional catchbasins of tile enclosures for access/cleanout
7. Shorten the timeframe on Sec 78 subsection 2 on conservation authority notification or give them a process to waive the waiting period.
8. There should be opportunity to update the Drainage Act every 5 years, the land drainage committee could assist with these updates or manage the process.