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under minor improvements for existing municipal drain maintenance : 1. Add Catch basins to existing tile drains at strategic locations for cleaning purposes and maintenance inspection Lire davantage

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Get the CA @ Oceans and Fisheries out of the drainage process. They do nothing but add extra costs & prolong the work work to fix drainage problems. More input is needed from benefiting owners in a drainage area. Lire davantage

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The Corporation of the Township of Dawn-Euphemia

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This comment is with respect to the requirement for municipalities to provide a Letter of Credit (LOC) to Department of Fisheries (DFO) to guarantee proper construction/maintenance of a drain. Lire davantage

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Great Lakes Community Eco-Initiative

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Thank you for allowing public comment on changes to the Drainage Act. When developing a "process for simple drain improvement projects" the authorities determining "minimal impact on the environment" are the MNRF, the DFO, the MOECP and the CWS. Lire davantage

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I read only improvements of streamlining the process. Every year we have waterway advisories of contamination from run off and excessive E.coli. What's being done to reduce these contaminates entering the watershed?

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I disagree with the direction of this proposal. I feel that it will make it easier for polluters to pollute and that our lakes will suffer, especially in regards to algae blooms in our lakes. Lire davantage

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Ontario watercourses are among the most biologically diverse and threatened habitats in Canada. They provide wildlife corridors, spawning and nesting habitat and are the source of our fresh water. Lire davantage

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Corporation of the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

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Response to question #1 - OMAFRA should look to develop protocols similar to the DART protocol for Ontario Species at Risk which is currently administered by the MOECC, and provide MOECC with the funds and staff to administer the programs mandated to them. Lire davantage

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Conservation authorities must respect decisions from fisheries and oceans, in Perth county right know out conservation authorities will try and over ride the authorities and insist there are fish after dfo had signed off. Lire davantage

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I think there needs to be a change away from drainage into our rivers and lakes, as this adds such toxins as pesticides and salt into our water bodies. Drainage of wastewater should remain at or near the area where it originates, allowing it to replenish the ground water. Lire davantage

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The costs are prohibitive for the small farmer in Ontario. And in some municipalities like Ottawa one is required to pay for the city's drainage charges plus pay for the municipal drain charges, essentially for the same service. Lire davantage

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Municipal Drainge Unit, City of Ottawa

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• Section 6 – CA and MNRF are getting around the term “environmental appraisal” and asking for many studies / permits / approvals which increase the cost of the project and cause unnecessary delays. This section needs to be reworded to that CA/MNRF pay for these increased costs. Lire davantage

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Agricultural Tile Drains & Ditches All existing drains and ditches must be Grandfathered to allow Farmers to complete repairs, unplug pipes and clean ditches without needing a permit. Lire davantage

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I think this proposal is out of touch with reality. The DART protocol as it exists today does not work. There are few drainage projects where it would apply to. Codifying it in a regulation is a waste of effort. if it is not working today, putting it in regulations will not change that. Lire davantage