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I was notified of your intention to make changes to the regulation about bear hunting in Ontario. It looks like you want to ensure more people than the land holders or their relations can hunt bears in Ontario, and want to expand this, plus you want to hunt hungry bears just coming out of hibernation, which includes momma bears with new cubs.

Personally, I do not agree with your new regulations. Supposedly your reasoning is that bears in that region are becoming more common? Have you the results of any statistical studies verifying that? We would like to see those reports.

So your solution is to kill the moms and their cubs. The moms by baiting them in their hungry period, and their cubs by starvation as their mom will be dead.

If this is what Canadian Fish and Wildlife has come to, I am not for it.

Avoiding confrontations with bears takes other alternative action from human settlements than killing. It means using bear safe garbage containers. Secure barns, graineries to avoid bear entry. No pets held outside on chains, or insecure pens.

More can be done by us first before we should resort to hunting at all. Especially the inhumane method which seems to be favored by Canadian Fish and Wildlife department.

The hunters in Canada have a powerful group, that can apply a lot of pressure to the government to make their voices heard, but the rest of us also must have a say, and we have our reasons for our opinions also, which I think are better ones than that a bear skin is desired for my cabin.

Think about it and come up with better actions than annual spring hunting of hungry bears, moms and babies included.