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We are extremely opposed to the proposal of the Northwest GTA transmission corridor for the electrical transmission network and energy transfer stations. This proposal is too close to high volume residential areas and still too close to the current gas pipeline that could create a dangerous situation.

If one of the electrical station catches fires (which can and has happened), it can cause a fire in the immediate area where there are high volumes of homes and way too close to the gas pipeline which would end up being catastrophic.

There are areas that are under conservation and this would be better if it were north of King street and below Schomberg.

The negative health effects of the system can affect humans and wildlife.

Power lines are the main source of electrical transportation to a domestic area. To minimize the power loses, electricity is transmitted at high voltage levels and minimum current levels. These high voltage lines transmit radiation called the “electro-magnetic field” or shortly EMF. Whenever a current passes through a conductor, an EMF is always associated with it. EMF contains an electric and magnetic field component oscillating at 180 degrees. The phase difference between the electric and magnetic fields is 90 degrees.
Some researchers believe that this radiation could possibly lead to cancer in human body.


Some research has already showed evidence of how long-term exposure to these high-voltage wires can lead to several health problems. Here are the most common issues you may experience when living near power lines.

1. Childhood Leukemia
One of the first studies was conducted in 1979 in which researchers studied any relationship between incidence of leukemia in children living near high-voltage power lines and towers. They chose a residential area inside Denver, Colorado to conduct the study and compared the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation effects on people living at various distances from high-voltage wires and transmission towers. The results were shocking as children living close to power sources were more at risk for childhood leukemia. However, no evidence has been provided to establish a direct connection between childhood leukemia and EMF.
2. Cancer
Another research study conducted in Australia looked for any connection between the incidence of cancer in people living near power lines and transmission towers. The research showed that those who lived within 50 m radius of a power source had 106% of chances to develop cancer as compared to those who lived at least 300 meters away from a power source. This confirmed that there is a connection between exposure to power sources and cancer.
3. Depression
A research conducted on the psychological effects of living close to power lines showed exposure to extremely low frequency EMF might contribute to the number of depression-related suicides in people living close to those power sources. EMF was responsible for disruption in circadian rhythm cycles, alteration in melatonin and serotonin neurotransmitter levels in people living close to those areas.
In addition to these effects, many other published papers have discovered links between living near power lines and a number of other health concerns, including brain cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, miscarriage, breast cancer, birth defects, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, decreased libido, sleeping disorders, heart disease, neuro-degenerative disease and more.
Why Is Living near Power Lines Bad?
Power lines are used to transfer high-voltage electric current from place to another, but when the current flows through the lines, it creates two separate fields around them – a magnetic field and an electric field, both of which are important components of the electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic radiation is responsible for creating negative effects on human body. The magnetic component is even more dangerous because it gives out more EMF. The strength of this magnetic field usually depends on how much current flows through the wires, the voltage and the configuration of those wires.