The City of Brampton…

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Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

City of Brampton

Statut du commentaire


The City of Brampton appreciates the opportunity to provide comments and feedback on the proposed changes to the Growth Plan 2019 and the proposed Lands Needs Assessment Methodology. Through the supporting document, we submit our official comments for both items in one submission for the Minister’s consideration. The City notes that our comments are limited only to the two documents issued by Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on June 16, 2020, namely the Proposed Amendment 1 and Land Needs Assessment Methodology. Staff assessed the key policy changes and their potential impact on the City of Brampton. As reference, staff also reviewed the supporting document titled ‘Technical Report: Greater Golden Horseshoe- Growth Forecasts to 2051’ prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd. for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The key proposed changes are categorised into components described in the attached.