1. How does the Authority…

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1. How does the Authority ensure the data given from the Producers for verification is accurate and true?
2. What tool is the Authority using to verify the data? Is the tool reliable and proven - being used by other states, provinces, countries, etc?
3. The process being used by Authority to ensure compliancy - what actions are in place to ensure the process works and proper oversight is consistently being applied without red tape and barriers?
4. Giving Producers the "rule-making powers" to manage the blue bin program will must likely be unsuccessful - majority of them think of the bottom line and will not fully support the program - if so, will find loopholes and/or ensure minimal is done
5. Majority of the goods are from outside Ontario and Canada (i.e China) - it is virtually impossible to regulate these companies. And big producers like Coca Cola will most likely not participate in the program as it is not in their best interest - unless Ontario bans certain types of packaging or impose a higher tax on those goods. For example big companies like Johnson & Johnson only start to make bamboo toothbrush because they want access to a specific market share - their company goal is to not make environmentally safe products but to get bigger and monopolize and supply unsafe products (i.e baby powder)
6. The exemption of companies from the blue bin program making less than $2 mill in sales is suggesting that they shouldn't be environmentally sustainable in their business practice - there are a lot of companies that fall in this category and collectively there is a large amount of "bad" waste being generated - they should contribute in some way
7.We should support innovative companies like "TruEarth" who produces laundry strips - no plastic containers - they should be involved in the process as they have good business values and vision
8. There are TOO many types of packaging products and varieties available- this makes it hard to control, streamline, monitor and standardize. However, if packaging is used from within a list (from specific producers) then the goal is more attainable and realistic as we can test those packaging and determine the materials being used as part of compliance and ensuring the program is working
9. Allowing companies to freely create products are not working as we can see with the current climate change and the excessive garbage across the globe - Culturally, we have shifted to convenience and from convenience results to an exorbitant amount of waste. Controlling the source of the problem is the key. Consumer education will only go so far as there are too many possibilities to manage properly.
10. Thank you for taking the climate seriously and doing something about it - whatever program and act introduced need to be effective otherwise it is a waste of time and money - and we don't have the luxury of both.