To Whom It May Concern: I…


To Whom It May Concern:

I am a Canadian citizen, an Ontario taxpayer and a devout voter. "I am opposed to this proposal." I have typed that statement more times in the past four years than I have in my entire life. It was always in response to the Ford government's persistent, consistent, attacks on nature.

Ontarians are not stupid. It is insulting to read yet another carefully-phrased proposal with slyly-worded agendas. I am one of thousands who see through the rosy filter to the ugly black truth: this proposal will accelerate the extinction of wildlife. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is supposedly dedicated to "healthier communities". And yet, it destroys natural habitat creating opportunities for unbalanced ecosystems.

The proposal statement itself is a contradiction. The government cannot maintain protections for species at risk while it also "streamlines authorizations". Time and time again this Ontario government has sacrificed the environment to please developers. Why is the government proposing this "Fund"? Is it to protect species at risk? No. Is it yet another way of allowing developers free rein to destroy wildlife habitat? Yes.

Start prioritizing the environment. Stop destroying wildlife habitat. Voters will remember the destruction this government has caused to nature.

I again reiterate how I am opposed to this proposal.