I don't support the…


I don't support the government's plan to proceed with implementing the Government of Ontario's Species at Risk Conservation Fund, because it will lead to an increase in habitat loss and degradation, a primary threat to most of the funds species.

Who's job is it to help protect habitat and clean water for species? How can you allow for developers to pay into a fund and then walk away Scott free from the harm they've done?

This affects my family personally. My mom owns a property that has a creek flowing through it and this property supports prime habitat for species at risk. Currently there is a developer that is proposing to outfall treated sewage water from the Waste Water Treatment plant which will be contaminated with microbeads, micro plastics, pharmaceuticals and other contaminants that cannot be filtered out of their system. The developer is also proposing outfalling warmed water that will contain several contaminants that cannot be filtered out of their stormwater pond, into a cold water stream. This Stream is prime habitat for cold water fish who spawn in its waters every year. Some of these fish are at risk species.

My mother has been a steward of her property since 1962, protecting its precious habitat and species.

Our planet is in a crisis. Now is the time to increase measures to protect our most vulnerable species and their habitats. These habitats are precious and irreplaceable. Once they are damaged or gone we rarely get them back.

Who will suffer the consequences if developers are allowed to Pay to Slay? It will be property owners like my mother and species who rely on these habitats for their survival.

This fund makes no sense. It is short sighted thinking and which will only make developers richer. It will not protect species and their habitats.

It is this government's job to help protect the people in this province as well as our precious waters and habitats.

Who will be responsible to compensate for the negative impacts in our watershed when harm occurs. We do not need to increase habitat loss and degradation. Why is this government not listening to the experts and all the good science-based advice with regards to the environment.

Since 1962, my mom has protected her property for the benefit of all species and their habitats, her children, grandchildren, her community and for the betterment of all people in this province, this country, and ultimately the planet.

I'm not on a rant against the conservative government. I'm trying to be heard; nature and the environment matters to me, my mother and my children. It's breaking my heart that it doesn't seem to matter to you.

Please pause and listen. Listen to the scientist and the environmental experts and not the developers. Please protect our waters, forests and habitats for all species.
A constuant of Ontario's