The Government of Ontario…

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The Government of Ontario has done a great job getting Conservation Authorities back in Line. You need to finish the job and get-it-done. I am concerned that the regulations did not include and any changes to hazard land for landowners. Conservation Authorities have too much power over our hazardous land (erosion) and they don't allow us to do anything to stop erosion. Specifically Erosion.

The wording needs to be clear, they need to assit landowners who wish to stop erosion out of their own pockets.
Kettle Creek Conservation Authority is the only Conservation Authority who do not allow landowner to protect their properties from erosion in the high bluffs. It is not consistant.

Please consider directing the wording of the Conservationa Authroties Mandate to be clear. "erosion, dynamic beaches, hazardous sites as defined in the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020" This is very unclear as to what land owners can do. It is confusing for Landowners dealing with Conservation Authorites on what they will allow and it makes it very hard for Landowners to deal with Conservation Authorities to protect their land.

Conservation Employees should not be allowed to make decisions or interprit these statements because that is inconsistant and will lead to problems for landowners. Conservation Authorities should assist where posible the Landowners in protecting their properties from erosion. Erosion is a big issue on Lake Erie from one end to the other. Erosion was not addressed clearly enough in this regulation.

Please make it clear one way or another on erosion. The Provicial Goverment has already made it clear that Landowners have the right to protect their properties from erosion. Make it clear for Conservation Authorties that they need to assist and not hinder or stop landowners from protecting their properties.

I am not asking the Goverment for money. I want the right to protect what I have without years of red tape and one person (conservation Employee) who doesn't like me to hold up my project or stop my project. The goverment has the chance to change this do it right. Take out the ambiguous wording and make it clear.