As a tax paying citizen…

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As a tax paying citizen living in the Thunder Bay District I am appalled by the proposed changes to the conservation authorities in Ontario. The Lakehead Regional conservation Authority is a valuable asset to our community in the district. The lands they have rehabilitated and enhanced with trails, water access and wildlife conservation serve the community in many ways.They are not just recreational. They are centers of education for our children, sanctuary’s for migrating birds and home for array of wildlife.
With urban sprawl and increasing industry there is urgent need for these areas. The conservation authority has developed these areas for future preservation for our children. They have done a fantastic job with their watershed management and Lake Superior watershed. We are in a crises of gigantic proportions with weather impacting our way of life on the shores of Lake Superior. This is another demonstration of the Ford government dismantling our precious way of life, for what, to save a few dollars. Come on this law is not needed, leave the conservation authority alone.