Corporate business plans…

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Corporate business plans were structured around core elements of a long term cap and trade program. Citizens had clear expectations for greenhouse gas reductions that would occur, and thus, could plan future accommodations accordingly. There are no stipulated emission targets, commitment to set minimum emission targets, or commitment to set reasonable and predictable emission targets that are proposed in Bill 4.

There is no timeline stipulated for the creation of new emission targets prior to the Federal deadline of January 2019.

Too much discretion is appointed to "The Government".

The following sections of Bill 4 are arbitrary:
3 (1) The Government shall establish targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Ontario and may revise the
targets from time to time.
Public notice
(2) The Government shall make the targets and any revisions to them available to the public on a website of the Government
or in such other manner as may be prescribed.
Climate change plan
4 (1) The Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, shall prepare a climate change plan and may
revise the plan from time to time.
Advisory panel
(2) The Minister may, for the purpose of preparing the climate change plan, appoint panels to perform such advisory
functions as the Minister considers advisable.
Public notice
(3) The Minister shall make the plan and any revisions to it available to the public on a website of the Government or in such
other manner as may be prescribed.
(4) For greater certainty, the plan and any revisions to it are not undertakings within the meaning of the Environmental
Assessment Act.
Minister’s progress reports
5 (1) The Minister shall, on a regular basis, prepare reports in respect of the climate change plan.
Public notice
(2) The Minister shall make each report available to the public on a website of the Government or in such other manner as
may be prescribed.

Bill 4 does not include precise measures to ensure the protection of the environment.

There are not enough details about a new Climate Change Plan.

The proposed Bill 4 does not show how Ontario will meet the Paris Climate Agreement.