As the Ministry of…


As the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (the Ministry) consults upon changes to align and streamline Ontario’s waste regulations our association is grateful for this opportunity to provide comments. Under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 Ontario’s waste stewardship regulations have transitioned to the individual producer responsibility (IPR) model. Tires, batteries, and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) have all moved to the IPR model with the Ministry currently engaging in consultation on the draft hazardous and special products (HSP) regulation.

Automotive manufacturers and importers in Ontario are directly obligated under the tires regulation and to a lesser extent under the batteries and WEEE regulations. As such, we fully support the Ministry’s efforts to create alignment in these regulations and support the proposed changes in the TIRES and BATTERIES regulations. We provided comments to the Ministry in March of 2021 highlighting the areas where the regulations could be aligned and streamlined. The current draft regulations reflect that input.

We appreciate the Ministry's efforts to weigh stakeholder input and to streamline Ontario's waste regulations. We would support further efforts to reduce redundancies in the regulations and align the HSP regulation.

Andrew McKinnon
Manager, Policy and Outreach
Global Automakers of Canada
416.595.8251 ext. 1227