I'm a top income earner in…

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I'm a top income earner in Ontario. This has becoming increasingly meaningless as landed gentry resumes and turbo-charges their Gilded Age and adds as much fuel as possible to the impending economic collapse.

As of two years ago, I've become another working, high earning Canadian who lives in their parent's basement. Can't have a social life, can't have a kid, can't have precious milestones every person sitting in parliament RIGHT NOW has enjoyed for themselves.

That being said, even in my desperate situation I can see this is horrible policy and will only continue benefiting landed gentry and developers. No matter how desperate you try to make us, we will not accept the total terraforming of our beautiful province.

*Every Canadian* I know is on the same page, left - right, man - woman, black - white, straight - gay and we're not budging. Reduce our oppressive immigration targets and focus on training the work force here, newcomers included since you've sold them a false promise.

Any politician or legislation not addressing THE DEMAND SIDE of the equation will be ignored by the average Canadian from this point.

We are not all the drooling morons you perceive us to be.