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I would like to hear about the long term planning and analysis that has gone into changing Conversation Authorities from having a purview that includes monitoring/managing pollution and conservation itself. What has been happening with the intensification of weather around the world, and in Ontario, is undeniably powerful. Human infrastructure cannot currently withstand these intense weather systems. Wetlands and greenspace are amazing ways to reduce not only carbon dioxide, but even the surface temperature as asphalt and pavement radiate heat. Will developers be asked to preserve large trees to help keep temperatures in urban areas down, as has been done in the past when building new subdivisions, or will they be allowed to tear down every tree and told to plant some new ones? If the latter is the case, it will take decades before the shade effect will make any real difference to the temperature in these areas.
In addition, conservation authorities play a crucial role in a type of forward critical thinking I suspect is lacking from these proposed changes. Research has shown that diminishing certain types of animals (low-vectors) increases the chances of pandemics. Conservation authorities are responsible for safeguarding land routes so that animals do not end up inbreeding to a dangerous point.
I would also like to know why conservation authorities, and their regulating scientifically determined protection worthy spaces, are being singled out as the source of high prices for homes in Ontario? It is hard not to see this move, and crying supply issues when developers currently benefit from keeping supply low enough in order to manipulate prices, as scapegoating in order to give the appearance of something positive being done. In reality these changes promote short term gains for private individuals, with long term financial burden to the government and citizens at large to repair infrastructure damaged with increasing destructive weather, and the intense costs of pandemics.
I urge any politician or person with financial power who reads this comment to consider the value of long-term planning as true efficiency. It is you who can really make a difference for your descendants and the rest of us who have knowledge without power.