To Premier Ford and the…

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To Premier Ford and the Government of Ontario:

I am writing to you as a deeply concerned member of the public to say that you must not touch the Greenbelt and to rescind immediately all proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan.

The Greenbelt has some of Ontario's most important and sensitive ecosystems that are vital to the ongoing stability of the environment in Ontario - to pave over them with housing would upset the balance of the environment in Ontario and have disastrous effects - many scientists have already warned this Government how dangerous this would be.

If this Government wishes to remain in Office, it is vital that it not only protect the Greenbelt, but also keep its word and not break promises it made to the People of Ontario during the last Provincial Election.

To pave over the Greenbelt in the areas suggested in the proposed Amendments would not only damage Ontario's environment for future generations, it would damage the Public's trust in this current Provincial Government and seriously damage the integrity of this Provincial Government.

How can the Public continue to trust this Government if it goes back on its word and breaks its promises? How can the People continue to elect a Government that says it for them in one breath, and then in another breaks its promises to them?

To go forward with these Amendments will not only be dangerous for Ontario's future, it will damage the Conservative brand going forward and cause the People of Ontario to loose trust in it. If this Government wishes to remain in Office, it would do well to rescind these Amendments, and listen to both its Scientific Advisors and the Voices of the People of Ontario who have spoken out against these proposed Amendments.

Being For the People does not mean the Government can simply do as it wishes - it must listen to the People of Ontario when we say "No" and respect our wishes and our voices and our consent.

If the Government of Ontario goes forward with this and other plans that many in this Province are opposed to, it will soon find itself out of Office in the next Election going forward, and the Conservative brand in Ontario irreparably damaged for decades to come.

Put simply: if you cannot keep your word and go back on it, why would anyone trust you with it, let alone elect you into Office a third, fourth or even fifth time?

If this Government wishes to solve the Housing Crisis in Ontario, perhaps it would do well to listen to the Voices of the People of Ontario who have called for a tax on those housing owners and corporations who buy up property and not actually live in them, flip them, and use them for capital gain, since they are the real problem and one of the major barriers to affordable housing in this Province and why people can't afford homes here. Better yet, this Government would do well to introduce legislation to ban such practices and make them illegal in their entirety.

For the future of Ontario, its Environment and its People, and the future of the Conservative Party of Ontario, this Government of Ontario must rescind all Amendments and keep its word and not touch the Greenbelt.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my words today - and remember, if these amendments go through, it will show the People of Ontario just how for them this Government truly is.