I strongly disagree with the…

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I strongly disagree with the proposed removals from the Greenbelt.

This government should be leading Ontario to a sustainable and fiscally-responsible future through significant density increases in land that is already serviced. Cities like Mississauga and Toronto have many neighbourhoods that are dropping in population. Why is the Minister focused on destroying environmentally-sensitive lands instead of demanding those cities house more people in those shrinking neighbourhoods? Why is the Minister proposing a plan that continues our pattern of sprawl and long commutes?

The Minister spoke about "making hard choices". Well then - let him have the hard conversation with the people of Ontario and make the sustainable and fiscally-responsible choice. Push for ambitious density across the board, curb domestic speculation, remove outdated zoning and stop sprawl. Ask us to believe in something better instead of more of the same: congestion, long commutes and marooned nature 'preserves'. Don't do the simple thing and build out low-rise homes on environmentally-sensitive lands. Simply because an option is politically expedient or easy doesn't make it right.