I do not support and…

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I do not support and absolutely reject any provision of Greenbelt, or other environmentally-protected lands, for development.

As a resident of the GTHA for over 20 years, I take pride and joy in the Greenbelt. Forests, trails and farms have provided endless hours of peaceful walks, hikes, education and learning about the diverse flora and fauna we have in this province. This province has always been "yours to discover" notwithstanding this PC government's persistence in destroying everything we value (including our provincial slogan). I am also an immigrant and am very much aware of the housing crisis as it impacts me personally. But by lining the pockets of developers we aren't going to solve this crisis. We need AFFORDABLE housing which no developer truly cares about because it means less profit for them. It is clear the PC government does not care either as no thought has been given to real, substantive issues impacting everyday citizens, and only to making wealthy developers more profitable.

Under no circumstances should we give in to this farce, because that is exactly what it is - a mockery of our concerns for affordable housing, and a disregard for the environment and other species with whom we share our province.