In light of climate change,…

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In light of climate change, I am completely against these proposed changes. It is a proven fact that green and biodiverse areas help to combat climate change in many different ways. For example, the greenbelt itself absorbs a ton of carbon. And the farmland itself within the greenbelt is extremely important for the production of food within this province. This has not only been important in years past and present, but will become even more vital and invaluable as time goes by and climate change inadvertently becomes the norm and possibly worsens in this country and potentially around the world. World food shortages could worsen and become a real possibility and/or become epidemic down the road ( in part due to climate change ). Our greenbelt combats and protects against this. I am also against this proposal because the greenbelt is a rare, one of a kind biodiverse ecosystem that needs to be permanently protected. There is no reason good enough to pave over this beautiful area, and increased immigration should not be one of them. The Premier of this province made a promise to the residents of Ontario not to touch the greenbelt. Our premier was elected to office to represent the people of Ontario and to stand up for what is right for our province and for future generations. He also took an oath in office to always tell the truth. He was not elected to bow down and cave under pressure from the federal government or otherwise. The present housing crisis is not the fault of the current residents of Ontario. Nor is it the fault of future generations to come. Ontarians want this greenbelt to be around for their children and their future grandchildren, the way that it has been around for all previous generations in this province. Yes, these proposals urgently need public input. But more than that, it is unethical and out of the question to even contemplate or think about such a project, without thorough, professional and proper environmental oversight. Since Doug Ford has done away with this, this ludicrous idea of building homes on a protected greenbelt should not move forward. It should not only be considered totally illegal, but should be completely scrapped. It is not only the greenbelt itself that is at stake. Valuable farmland will be gone. Just as important, there are millions of forms of life whose homes are within this greenbelt area, everything from birds, fish, reptiles and mammals. Their very lives will be at stake when their habitats are destroyed. Where will all of these life forms go ? It is a proven fact that wildlife populations around the world are in serious decline ( by 70% or more ) and Canada is no exception. Many of these life forms are endangered to begin with and are in dire need of protecting. This is not my only concern. When you tamper and destroy one part of an intricate and delicate ecosystem, it has a ricochet effect and will detrimentally affect all other areas of the greenbelt. Canada is a huge country. There are thousands of other locations and/or land choices that can be made to build housing on besides this beautiful greenbelt of Ontario. We are tired of Doug Ford's lies and broken promises. If our premier really wanted to do the right thing in order to help combat the current housing crisis in Ontario, there are many other things he could be doing besides building on protected greenspace. For example, why doesn't he bring back rent control so people renting can afford to live once again ? Since he took office, rents have skyrocketed and homelessness is rampant. No, it appears what this is really all about is helping developers make money. He openly discussed opening up the greenbelt for developers a long time ago in a documented video. So when he told all residents of Ontario that he would not touch the greenbelt, he already knew it was a lie when he said this, and that he had previously promised this area "in theory" to developers. So he lied to the public when he said he would "under no circumstances" touch the greenbelt, just as he is betraying and lying to us all now when he decided to renege on his promise not to touch it. It is for this reason and all of the above reasons that I am totally against ANY proposals to build housing or any other form of development on any part of our protected greenbelt. It's a no brainer for me and a complete thumbs DOWN for me with regards to this outrageous and ludicrous idea/proposal. Why is there no environmental oversight and/or input involved in these very critical decisions/proposals ? Why does Doug Ford get to decide these things with ZERO environmental input and/or oversight ? Isn't it bad enough that he wants to build a completely unnecessary highway right through our protected farmland and greenbelt ??? By the way, I am also totally against this proposed highway ( 413 ) as it is unnecessary and is also being built with NO environmental oversight or public input. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment.