As a resident of Ontario, I…

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As a resident of Ontario, I am completely opposed to further development in the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt provides essential environmental services and will become more important to mitigate negative effects from climate change.

The development of the Greenbelt will result in irreversible negative effects that cannot be cancelled out by restoring nearby ecosystems or any other option that the province and developers may propose.

This plan is shortsighted and irresponsible and frankly dangerous to all residents in Ontario, not to mention the surrounding ecosystems and wildlife. Combined with the provincial government's decision to strip power from the conservation authorities, and streamline environmental assessments, I fear for the health and well-being of the environment and future generations.

Clearly ensuring we pass on a sustainable environment to future generations is not the provincial government's priority. The housing crisis cannot be solved at the expense of the environment, nor should the government put the demands of developers and large corporations ahead of current and future Ontarians.

It is unethical and completely goes against the advice and recommendations of the experts and conservation authorities, who were entrusted to protect the environment before their authority was taken away.