I Strongly disagree with the…

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I Strongly disagree with the Ford government's decision to develop the green belt. Environmentalist say it will be a disaster, the government's very own housing affordability task force said it wasn't going to help housing affordability and the only people this policy is going to help are developers.

The government has tools to make housing more affordable but it is in direct conflict with with the wishes of upper class. Raising capital gains on home sales, making stricter lending rules for people buying their second and third home, getting rid of our archaic single family zoning laws to allow infill and medium density housing will do exponentially more to combat rising housing prices than this ridiculous hand out to Ford's developer buddies. I suggest the government does their job and does what's best for the majority of citizens despite being in conflict with the interests of a few development firms. It is blatant cronyism and I wish more people in Ontario would see it for what it is.

The plan is short sighted. It will only add to urban sprawl, highway congestion, and will do nothing in terms of housing affordability. The greenbelt wasn't chosen at random and you can't just add and takeaway sections of it without an environmental impact. Building car dependent suburbs in the middle of nowhere, with no public transit or places of work is bad enough for the environment before being built on environmental sensitive land. I strongly disagree with most aspects of this governments housing affordability plan. It's too soft in many areas and does nothing to shake up the status quo. The notion that expanding outward like we've been doing since the 50s is going to help affordability is known by the government's own task force to be false.