Sprawl into potential…

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Sprawl into potential critcal environmental lands surrounding our cities is not the answer. We must look inward.

One example starts with parking lots. Car emissions and microplactics are some of the biggest pollutants contributing to climate change, EVs are barely an improvement, especially after you look at the offset for the required resources to build them. Sprawl and car lobbyists are the number one reason our cities are designed the way they are, in privileged manner, for those that can afford, and are able to drive a car.

Sprawl is wildly unnecessary and has a largely negative effect on housing, employment, and the environment. With an excess of land dedicated to killing ourselves, it begs the question why we don't start at developing all the empty lots first. As for cars, this will allow the population to reduce car usage/storage, and bring further value to short distance public transit, biking, and walking.

Additionally, developers and landlords (and politicians that clearly have a corrupt hand in the cookie jar and a massive conflict of interest) need to be forced to build affordable (for the bottom 80% of our population) high density housing, NOT more multi-million dollar sprawl properties that only investment companies and the uber rich can afford. The same group needs to FORCED to develop or sell abandoned or hazardous properties they are sitting on for market values, for proper development.

Lastly, we need to stop taking from the environment and start giving back. Our high density development needs to start including moss and plant fixtures on large surfaces, walls, balconies and roofs. The desertification of city development needs to stop.

I adamantly am against futher greenbelt developments, with it's critical habitats and vitally important environmental contribution to our climate.

No Confidence in Doug Ford