There are other options for…

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There are other options for housing development!

Southern Ontario has vitally fertile lands that support the health of our ecosystem and provide food for the province. The Greenbelt is an integral part of maintaining these ecosystem functions. Its wetlands filter out water and protect our aquifers from contaminants, its forests provide habitats for native species and pest-fighting organisms that boost agricultural production, and its agricultural lands feed the province. We can't just outsource our greenspace to the North because the growing season is shorter and the soils are shallow with limited fertility. These lands were protected in 2005 for a very good reason.

Development of the Greenbelt into more urban sprawl does not benefit the people of Ontario. The entire purpose of the Greenbelt is to protect these vital lands from the encroachment of urban sprawl. Development of them now will line the pockets of developers while reducing the airable land for the future. We need our farmland, forests, and wetlands intact for the prosperity of future generations.

This is a short sighted approach to our housing issue. We need to intensify, not sprawl. Investment in mixed use buildings in low density areas will reduce the environmental impact of our increased housing needs, not just by protecting the Greenbelt but by reduction in travel for people working in those areas. Sprawl will lead to more cars on the road, more wasted hours commuting, and more emissions detrimental to our survival on this planet. Why is the province not investing in high speed commuter trains? Why not encourage manufacturing and other businesses to move to smaller communities to support their growth? Did you know there is more to Ontario than just Toronto?

Development of the Greenbelt will destroy what makes this province great. We are so lucky to have healthy soils for farming, greenspace to enjoy, and a vibrant ecosystem to coexist with. Don't ruin it forever because you're greedy. This is NOT the will of the people.