As per the Report of the…

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As per the Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force, page 10:

"But a shortage of land isn’t the cause of the problem.
Land is available, both inside the existing built-up areas
and on undeveloped land outside greenbelts.
We need to make better use of land. Zoning defines what
we can build and where we can build. If we want to make
better use of land to create more housing, then we need
to modernize our zoning rules. We heard from planners,
municipal councillors, and developers that “as of right”
zoning – the ability to by-pass long, drawn out consultations
and zoning by-law amendments – is the most effective tool
in the provincial toolkit. We agree.

Stop using exclusionary zoning
that restricts more housing
Too much land inside cities is tied up by outdated rules.
For example, it’s estimated that 70% of land zoned for
housing in Toronto is restricted to single-detached or
semi-detached homes.[11] This type of zoning prevents
homeowners from adding additional suites to create
housing for Ontarians and income for themselves. As one
person said, “my neighbour can tear down what was there
to build a monster home, but I’m not allowed to add a
basement suite to my home."

One result is that more growth is pushing past urban
boundaries and turning farmland into housing. Undeveloped
land inside and outside existing municipal boundaries must
be part of the solution, particularly in northern and rural
communities, but isn’t nearly enough on its own. Most of the
solution must come from densification. Greenbelts and other
environmentally sensitive areas must be protected, and
farms provide food and food security. Relying too heavily
on undeveloped land would whittle away too much of the
already small share of land devoted to agriculture. "

You don't need to destroy our greenbelt in order to enrich your developer buddies with land to build single-detached homes on. As a resident of Barrie with beautiful wildlife and farmland around me I am completely against this proposal. If this proposal goes through I will protest in the streets.