I am deeply disturbed and…

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I am deeply disturbed and discouraged by the proposed changes to the Greenbelt.

First of all, why these specific pieces of land? To me this reeks of collusion. No doubt these owners have lobbied the government and/or have the ear of government. A few land owners and developers, no doubt Conservative party supporters, will make a lot of money off of the proposed changes. Who owns these lands? Who stands to benefit? What are their connections to government? Some will continue to get richer while others still can't afford a home.

Second, the parcels of land proposed to be removed in Ajax and Pickering all contain prime farmland. In many cases, they are still vibrant, active farms. It has been said that the best farmland in Canada can be seen from the top of the CN Tower. And where is it all now? Paved under and built over. And we are looking to do the same with some of the remaining pieces? This is just trading a housing crisis for a food crisis. We must protect our remaining agricultural lands if we hope to be able to feed ourselves in the future.

Third, these lands were deemed part of the Greenbelt initially because of their value in remaining 'green.' The proposed Pickering site contains many forests, wild tracts, and the Duffins Creek. All are ecologically important, especially given the massive loss of such spaces in the GTA. We as humans need such green places to enjoy, but also as sources of clean, fresh air and water. The Duffins Creek is one of many important local tributaries that flow into Lake Ontario and form an important part of whole Great Lakes system. If not for us, then these lands should be valued for the native plant and animal species which reside there. Local wildlife need wild places in order to survive, especially given the threats they already face in the GTA from habitat loss. And won't such green spaces help mitigate against the coming climate crisis?

Finally, I wonder if such proposed changes will in fact solve our housing crisis? I think not, especially if these lands are to be developed in the same vein as present and future developments in the Durham area. Repeating the same mistakes over and over is utter madness. If they are just to be huge swaths of single-family homes like those that already exist in Ajax and Pickering, then this will only further the problems of suburban sprawl. It will increase the need for infrastructure, especially water supply, sewage treatment, and roads. It will increase dependence on the car. It will just be more unlivable city where walking is impossible, green space is limited, and a sense of community missing. Shouldn't we first be looking to increase density in other suburban areas, rather to build in the same old way?

My answer is NO to all proposed changes to the Greenbelt, especially the three tracts slated for removal in Ajax and Pickering. There should be no removing lands from the Greenbelt ever. Sure, you can add and expand, but shrink it, NO. To do so will have disastrous and far-reaching consequences. Especially in that it sets the president for more future changes of this kind. This will enevitably lead to the slow death by a thousand little cuts of the Greenbelt.