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You want to know what I think of your proposal ? I think you people are crazy, immoral and greedy! Are you somehow tied to the profits of developers ? You are doing exactly the opposite of what is good for the environment and what is required to reduce climate change.
I oppose removing any lands from the Greenbelt Area – it says right in the document “The Greenbelt Area includes lands covered by the policies of the Greenbelt Plan, as well as the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Plan. Collectively, these plans identify where major urbanization should not occur. The plans provide permanent protection to the agricultural land base and the ecological and hydrological features, areas and functions within the Greater Golden Horseshoe and beyond.”
Listen to the environmental experts ! Proposing to add land in other places and decimate currently protected lands does not make sense - saying it will “not reduce the total land area covered by the Greenbelt Plan” does not make up for the damage it will do. Just because we are expecting population growth, doesn’t mean those people have to expand into protected lands – find rural lands up north or somewhere else in the Regions/Province that won’t be as bad for the environment. And if the Paris Galt Moraine should be protected, just add it to the greenbelt plan.
Do you not recognize there is a global climate emergency going on ? Do you not recognize the risk of flooding ? What would the UN climate leaders say about your plan ? What are the environmental experts, the local and the Canadian federal leaders saying about your plan ?
This is pathetic – the Ford government is proposing to override common sense for their own gain. This type of behaviour makes me so disappointed in all who support this proposal, and in those who do nothing to stop it ! No wonder the public is losing faith in our governments.
In case you weren’t listening…… my input is - DON’T REMOVE ANY LANDS CURRENTLY IN THE GREENBELT AREA !
Do your job, listen to the experts, think again and come up with a different solution that doesn’t contribute so much to climate change.