I am horrified and disgusted…

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I am horrified and disgusted.

This province belongs to the people not Doug Ford. It should be illegal for him to sell off our greenbelt so he and his rich friends can get richer.

It’s bad enough to sit here with my hands tied watching him dismantle healthcare and education but now I’m expected to also watch while he physically destroys my beautiful province?

Ford isn’t qualified to be making such permanent and drastic decisions, he isn’t even qualified to to be premier.

The housing he plans to develop in Hamilton won’t even benefit the community, it will be sold off to rich slumlords to rent out for inhumane prices while regular people continue to struggle and the homeless numbers rise.

If you want to fix the housing crisis you need to make it illegal for anyone to own more than two private homes and ban anyone who doesn’t live in this country from buying property at all.

Doug Ford doesn’t give a damn about people or the environment, he only cares about money. Don’t let him do this.

-signed a born and raised Hamiltonian who is exhausted by lies and corruption