I am strongly opposed to any…

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I am strongly opposed to any plan for development on the greenbelt, particularly in view of Minister Clark's stance of last year. Under no circumstances should development on this land be considered. There is plenty of land in the GTA where housing can be built without encroaching on the greenbelt (and by extension, adding to urban sprawl).

In particular, I am vehemently opposed to the proposed development in Clarington in the Nash/Hancock Rd area. There is already a large amount of development slated for that specific area which is already vigorously opposed by area residents as much of it will encroach on provincially significant wetland. The land now proposed for removal from the greenbelt is active farmland, borders on mature forest to the north and watershed to the south.

As an alternative to removal of greenbelt lands in Clarington specifically, I would suggest that the Ministry aid in the rezoning and rehabilitation of the former Goodyear Rubber plant in Bowmanville. It is a large tract of land in an already urban setting and it's re-purposing for housing, while possibly challenging, will not destroy farmland, wetland or animal habitat. Quite to the contrary, it would represent a much-needed renewal to a former industrial site that has been abandoned for over six years.

I trust that the government will, as it did in its withdrawal of Bill 28, listen to and respect the will of voters and look elsewhere for land on which to build. While we may not have the deep pockets of developers, it is we to whom the government will ultimately have to answer at the next election.