To mark for development…

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To mark for development forests, farms, wetlands and other vital ecosystems is grossly irresponsible. We don't have enough tree cover, not by half, and the Ontario Government led by Doug Ford doesn't seem to understand how ecosystems work. Doesn't understand, doesn't care, and doesn't realize this is irreversible. We need leaders with ideas that aren't senseless. This is a senseless, unnecessary plan. A horrifically bad idea when there are so many other viable options for housing. Learning who the developer families are, and their ties to Doug and to the province's conservative government is stomach turning. That we can loose what little nature is left, and suffer even more the impact of climate change and the loss of these vital natural heritage structure is inexcusable. This cannot happen. Find another way that leave the greenbelt, our farms, our wetland, our forest, and our waterways alone and out of your greedy hands and shortsighted . I'm appalled this government even considered this idea, let alone decided to run with it as a hill it will die one. We need leaders with environmental expertise who understand what the stakes are. I hope you consider better sources of advice than from investors with forested and protected lands they want to make money off next time.