As a parent, a proud…

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As a parent, a proud Ontarian, an admirer and lover of our natural treasures and wonders throughout this province, and an avid supporter of local businesses (especially locally grown produce and locally, humanely raised livestock), I am sorely disappointed in the PC government’s plan to destroy some of the Greenbelt in favour of expanding urban sprawl and building more inaccessible housing. We have a true need to address the spiralling housing crisis we are facing throughout our communities, but especially in our most expensive cities, and the plan to pave over the Greenbelt in order to build more unaffordable housing, in the shape of massive single family homes and gargantuan mansions. is a callous and irresponsible one which does not serve any need we are currently facing and solves no crucial nor immediate issue which the general population had been guaranteed would be addressed and ameliorated. The proposed plan is detrimental to the environment, to local farmers and their livelihoods, and to maintaining lower food prices in a time where affording to put healthy and fresh food on the table is proving to be an extreme expense that a vast majority of families can no longer afford. Not only do we have an urgent need to protect our environment, but we also have an urgent need to provide support for our struggling farmers and to provide accessible and nutritious food to the great amount of families having to now choose between heating their homes and feeding their children - not to mention an urgent need to address the pervasive and worsening homelessness crisis we are seeing in every community across the province. The last things we need in this province are more expensive and unattainable mansions and less locally grown, and therefore more expensive, food. Paving over the Greenbelt serves no purpose to anyone who has a vested interest in the prosperity and stability and future of this province. It is shortsighted, irresponsible, and callous - and it is completely unacceptable for any government to decide or try and claim otherwise. As a concerned and proud Ontarian, I strongly urge the PC government to reconsider its decision to continue with its plans to develop any part of our beloved and crucial Greenbelt and to reconsider and repeal Bill 23 altogether. Thank you for your continued efforts to listen to and act in the interest of our communities and the people who make them the incredible places we all know and love. I would like to continue to vote for this current government but I cannot do so in good conscience if I know I am voting for the active destruction and dismantling of our communities, our citizens, our environment, and our farmland - please, make the conscientious and responsible decision we are all counting on you to make and stop the proposed destruction and develop of the Greenbelt.