Doug wants to allow his…

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Doug wants to allow his buddies to be able to develop land they bought cheap. He is only opening those specific plots, not the Greenbelt.

This is corruption, pure and simple.

Ford cares more about deals with developers than preserving farmland and watersheds.

On the same day the government of Premier Doug Ford said it wants to open up parts of Ontario's Greenbelt for housing construction, it also approved more than 14,000 hectares of land for urban development in municipalities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.
Put together, the newly approved urban land would be larger in size than Vancouver or Etobicoke.
Peel Region, York, Halton, and Hamilton all recently had their urban boundaries expanded as part of the municipalities' official plan updates, which required provincial approval.
Asked why the government is proposing to open up the Greenbelt while it has thousands of hectares of new land for develop nearby, the office of Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Steve Clark responded that the province is considering "every possible option to get more homes built faster."


But even before expanding, some municipal leaders claimed they already had enough land to meet growth projections. With even more now available, some question why the government is targeting the environmentally sensitive Greenbelt.
"I feel sick about it, to tell you quite honestly," said Jane Fogal, a Halton Region councillor.
"Our planners told us that we had enough land. A 20-year supply is sitting there already approved. What it tells me is there is no excuse for opening the Greenbelt, absolutely none," Fogal said in an interview with CBC Toronto.
"To me it looks like planning by developers," she added