Most of Ontario doesn’t want…

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Most of Ontario doesn’t want the few natural resources we have- resources that other major and small cities in the world are desperate to develop but can’t due to the length of time to develop such complex ecosystems- to be torn down for short-sighted projects. This plan is not the most efficient use of the land. Instead of building Single use homes that the majority of Ontario citizens cannot afford anyway and will sit empty, we should develop plans to use already developed but ineffectually used land.

This government constantly responds to disaster by using plans that have a built in expiration of disasters. Boom and bust real estate is not as effective a strategy as creating homes for citizens who can increase the GDP of our country.
Additionally, Several companies have already started to plan for further disaster in the Canadian economy since we refuse to plan for tomorrow by increasing the use of the land we already have and leaving nature alone to cure the ills we created through climate change. Insurance for fires, floods and other disasters are quietly being removed from home insurance policies, why? Because our government cannot manage the Natural resources that Canadians already have that could prevent such economic and environmental disasters. This plan is foolish from top to bottom and as a citizen I DO NOT AGREE.