Canada is known worldwide…

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Canada is known worldwide for its natural beauty and so many species depend on the Greenbelt. These proposed changes will probably not be the last and slowly the Greenbelt will erode away causing devastation to native flora, fauna, and native communities.

I've seen politicians put personal gains ahead of the environment and it upsets me. Southern Ontario is already very congested and to add more people to this area is not a good idea. Perhaps increasing density in the city could be part of the solution not tearing down the Greenbelt to line the pockets of politicians who could care less about the environment.

We are facing a climate crisis and removing green space is the last thing we should be doing. More focus should be placed on re-greening our urban areas. Take an example from Singapore! Their urban spaces have approximately 50% green coverage.

To conclude, I feel like it is completely irresponsible and damaging to be cutting into the Greenbelt. There must be other solutions and perhaps negotiating with existing land owners and increasing the density would be a good start!