This is not going to be…

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This is not going to be affordable housing. You will sell it off to the highest bidding developer and it will be expensive townhouses and apartments nobody can afford. If they can afford it at first you got rid of the rent cap so they will jack up the price after. Also the highway has been proven to not reduce traffic, at most a 5 minute increase.
Make public transportation better and that would actually solve problems.

Also destroying our greenbelt for a highway and houses noone can afford are you kidding. The Greenbelt was put there for a reason to protect the nature we have. "Relocating" entire areas of animals and wildlife will not work and will not happen. You will kill off what nature we have.

Also paving over more of the little area we can substantially grow food from! If you want Ontario to never be able to grow that's a way to do it!

Do not allow this. This is a scheme to ensure that Doug Ford's future campaigns get paid for and he can keep a cut of the profit from this.