Under no circumstances…

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Under no circumstances should the greenbelt be opened up to developers in Ontario, without all the brown lands being used first. The premier has repeatedly stated he won’t open up the green belt for development, after receiving backlash each time it was found out he was going to open it up. To open up the greenbelt in the proposed area while adding other areas to make up for it, is nonsensical, especially when the reasoning being thrown around is more immigration requires more new homes being built. New immigration would need affordable housing, and mixed use buildings to be built, not single family homes in well off areas in protected greenbelt locations.
Opening up the greenbelt to developers who have terrible records with regards to ensuring habitats and the environment is protected is foolish and short-sighted. Much like walkerton, it opens up the water supply to be contaminated, along with farmlands to be removed in favour of these homes. That not only endangers the residents who already live in that area, because our water sources will be contaminated, it also endangers the food to table local farmers market.
The people of Ontario have repeatedly asked the ford government to not open up the greenbelt to development, it is the world’s largest protected greenspace for a reason. The fact that the ford government is ignoring what the people have repeatedly told him not to do is careless and callous!

On top of all of that, the fact that Doug Ford has repeatedly shown that he is in cahoots with many of the developers and has some sort of a quid-pro-quo relationship with them is not okay, I will provide the links to show that these relationships are benefitting Doug Ford personally, and his developer and donor friends of the Ontario PC party.



