The public is very aware…

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The public is very aware that this decision is a hand out to the developers that funded your campaign. If professionals who are trained in the field of urban development were consultated, then this wouldn't be happening. This has been on the agenda from years ago, and it is not coincidence that the land being proposed for opening in the Greenbelt happened to be bought by those same developers who are in your pockets. This is not needed and will not benefit the public, or help address the housing crisis. This land has been protected for a reason, it is both ecologically and developmentally significant, as it keeps our communities safe and healthy from flooding disasters. Act in the best interest of your people. Keep this province a democracy, you are acting against the best interest of the residents who will have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Municipalities have already come forward with plans to change zoning and provide enough spaces for development to meet the growth predictions. If you do this, it is even more clear that you're being paid off. Please look up the purpose of a wetland, what happens when we sprawl (Houston floods) and the costs that taxpayers will have to make up do to this parties actions. Stop claiming you care about the average person. Do not touch the Greenbelt.