The video from 2018 of a…

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The video from 2018 of a meeting between Premier Ford and developers about opening a chunk of the Greenbelt to build on was chilling. It was wrong then and is wrong now. Ontarions in Southern Ontario rely on this area for food, water and green space. Basics!

The promises made prior to the election appeared to stop that concern temporarily. "We won't touch the Greenbelt. The people have spoken," Mr Ford assured voters.

Now within 6 months of the election, he has reversed himself again. Back to the backrooms and developers and to hell with the voters and municipalities, and citizens, and Conservation Authorities, and Environmental groups and Heritage groups and children and future generations. To hell with his word having any value.
This is overreach using housing as the cover up issue. How many rent controlled apartments will be built in the Greenbelt? How many mixed communities with access to public transportation will be built there?
This is an outrage that puts ourselves and future generations in jeopardy. There is no mention of mitigating climate change here! I makes a bad situation worse!
This is not science based legislation. It is draconian and undemocratic and just wrong on every level!