I do not support the…

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I do not support the proposed changes to our Greenbelt. We are in the midst of a global climate crisis, and further destroying our environment is not what we should be doing. Aside from an irreversible loss of precious land that provides the backbone of a healthy living environment for both humans and nature, development in these areas would also mean increase population and traffic in these areas, adding even more stress to how much the land can sustain the additional people and all that things (eg traffic, garbage, etc) that the increased population brings. Furthermore, with the rising food costs and the unstable global food supply chain issues due to climate changes and global political conditions/conflicts, it is more important than ever to be able to supply ourselves with food, instead of relying on imports. Building houses on lands that could have been used for growing food is a suicidal move
Developing housing in these areas will not solve the AFFORDABLE housing crisis. These housing projects are far away from the urban centera -- where jobs and all amenities essential to daily living are located. These will not be places that those who need housing -- ie also those who need decent job opportunities -- would choose to live as first chose. The solution of a AFFORDABLE housing crisis should lie within the urban center core itaelf -- ie how to make the urban core more affordable.

Please reconsider about the proposed changes to the greenbelt. This proposal not only won't solve the AFFORDABLE housing crisis, it will also break apart the greenbelt. A belt with holes will not be a strong one ; Only an intact one can function. This is an irreversible and irresponsible change. And an extremely short sighted one.