Dear Ministers and Mr. Ford,…

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Dear Ministers and Mr. Ford,

I am floored and ashamed of the Ontario government conducting itself this way. Premier Ford had indicated in 2018 that the Green Belt would never be touched. How long does perpetuity actually constitute? Apparently four years in the eyes of Mr. Ford. At best, his actions are those of a benevolent dictatorship. Shame on Mr. Ford, this is not the way Ontario should be heading. Climate change is real and while it is great to "promise" to add to the Green Belt, it is beyond not logical to take established areas away! I am a resident of Hamilton and took part in a democratic process last year, voting in a referendum on how the city was to plan for an increase in population. The final count was "No to Expansion", which would have included moving out into the Green Belt and prime agricultural lands. Where is the democracy now? Why should we even both with voting and thinking we have a voice in our neighbourhoods and our city when decisions are overturned without a blink of an eye. Shame.

Housing is indeed an issue, but we require affordable housing and not sprawling suburbs which require massive new infrastructure and vast amounts of land. How much affordable housing is really going to be constructed with Bill 23? Green space is also an issue. People are using more parks and nature areas than ever before. Reducing the amount of parkland that developers have to include in their detailed designs is creating a landscape devoid of trees, walking paths, bike paths, and recreational areas. What will be created are cultural wastelands such as the modern suburbia of today. If the government was truly interested in affordable housing, then look toward the big box areas that need to be re-purposed into residential and commercial areas. Mixed use and mixed levels of socio-economic backgrounds are needed. Not more sprawling suburbs. I grew up in one and hated it. There were no parks and the only way to get around was by having your parents drive you somewhere or by bus. It was not a true neighbourhood. Mr. Ford is perpetuating this horrible form of land grabbing development.

In addition to the above, where is the consultation with First Nations? Six Nations has indicated a halt on all development within their Traditional Territories without being meaningfully and actively engaged with them. Other First Nations are also heavily involved with land and water stewardship. What level, if any, consultation has been conducted with them? I highly doubt any as this Bill is being rushed through the system. There is no meaningful engagement, and I can foresee a huge issue with this one point alone. Involve First Nations!

One other point to raise is who is actually benefiting from Bill 23? Reducing or eliminating fees for the development sounds a means to promote construction, but the servicing costs are then downloaded to the municipalities and ultimately the taxpayers. The developers win. One such developer in the Pickering area stands to gain enormously from Bill 23 and develop a number of parcels of green field sites. Who will fund all the infrastructure for this new development? Where are the crops going to be grown? Pave and construct is the mantra of Mr. Ford and his government.

Limiting Conservation Authorities' powers, reducing parkland, adding to the massive sprawl, more pavement, and the down loading of responsibilities onto lower tier authorities from upper tier authorities do not add up to a well thought out bill. I would not agree with Bill 23 in the least. Do not pass it as it stands.

Finally, I have never been so mad, or so worked up about an issue before. I've written to my councilor, the mayor and now here. I am fed up with the government thinking that nobody cares and they can run rough-shod over the democratic process. Listen to the people, govern wisely not simply for power and economic gain.

Thank you.