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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. I have serious concerns about the proposed changes to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System and the impact these changes will have on the wetlands Ontarians depend on. I have reviewed the comments prepared by the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and supporter them completely. The proposed changes to the OWES will have negative effects on natural habitats, wildlife, species at risk and the human communities that depend on the ecosystem services provided by wetlands such as flood prevention, carbon sequestration, water filtration and more. As we face a climate emergency, conserving wetlands is one of the most important actions we can take. At a time when we need nature the most, this proposal is opening up lands we depend on for safety and security to destruction and conversion to other land uses. Ontario has lost many wetlands, particularly in southern Ontario ("Approximately 70 per cent of wetlands have been lost in southern areas of Canada—and up to 95 per cent in densely populated areas." Ducks Unlimited,…). We cannot afford to lose any wetlands and maintaining their status as Provincially Significant helps protect them from those losses.

Please follow the recommendations provided by CELA:
RECOMMENDATION NO. 1: CELA recommends that MNRF apply an equity lens when updating the OWES.
RECOMMENDATION NO. 2: Sections of the OWES dealing with wetland complexes should not be removed.
RECOMMENDATION NO. 3: Sections of the OWES which provide for consideration of reproductive habitat and migration, feeding or hibernation habitat for an endangered or threatened species during the evaluation of a wetland should not be removed.
RECOMMENDATION NO. 4: The Ministry should remain the approval authority for all wetland evaluations completed under the OWES.
RECOMMENDATION NO. 5: The section of the OWES dealing with “locally important wetlands” should not be removed.

As a private landowner with a provincially significant wetland, I am opposed to these changes that may affect the designation of wetlands in my care and all wetlands across Ontario. Please consider the next generations of Ontarians who need these lands to remain conserved so they can have a vibrant, healthy, productive life in Ontario. Do not borrow from the future for short terms gains right now.

Thank you.