Urban sprawl into the…

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Urban sprawl into the Greenbelt is not an acceptable way to protect our futures. These lands have been protected in order for our drinking water to be as clean as possible, and our farmland to be as fertile as possible. We need leadership that understands what it means to invest in people as a way to improve our world, not products. So few stand to benefit from the sprawl, and the costs are so great to municipalities. With cost of living soaring, adding more roads, pipes and powerlines can only increase taxpayer costs over time. Homes on greenbelt land, by nature of the unique opportunity and location surrounded by protected land, will not serve to ease the housing crisis. Properties backing onto existing greenbelt will be more valuable because the supply is low and demand high. There is every reason for developers to maximize their profits and low income housing doesn't maximize profits. Doug Ford is destroying our natural areas, our health care and education system. It is incredibly clear PCs are not for the people but instead are for a select few wealthy supporters. What will the children seven generations from now have to say about the Ford government's decision to destroy the very foundations that support life?