Stop Bill 23! The land was…

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Stop Bill 23! The land was preserved for reasons that have not changed. The only factor that has changed is the Government is pandering to a few developers who fund their campaigns to the detriment of all other Ontario citizens. There currently are enough other approved development lands, i.e., Seaton, without needing to make these developers richer by reversing preservation designations. Developers bought most of their lands knowing the Green Belt requirements (either proposed or after enacted). The developers did not buy the land to farm, they knew they would use their influence to selfishly change the land use. Don't pretend that we need the land for homes. The developers' greed will not make these homes affordable. If you want affordable homes, approve permits for affordable homes on existing development lands, not Green Belt lands.

The lands are required to preserve our environment. Recently at COP27, world leaders were trying to move forward in protecting our environment. At the same time the Ontario govn't wants to move backwards. This is shameful. Don't forget Ford floated removing the Agriculture Preserve in a prior election campaign, only to reverse the decision based on the public backlash. So, the Ford team also says anything to get elected, and reneges when in power. Bill 23 is reducing development fees which will raise taxes. It is shameful and outrageous that the Ontario government is now serving the few developers that fund its campaigns, vs maintaining integrity and serving the people of Ontario.

Maintain the powers and ability of conservation authorities to do what they were formed to do. Allow them to protect us from floods, protect woodlands, wetlands and wildlife habitat, and promote municipal green building standards. Conservation Authorities need the powers they were initially granted.

We need the Greenbelt and the Agricultural Preserve for the community of today and tomorrow. Our children depend on it.