This proposal is a gross…

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This proposal is a gross denial of the climate crisis and a disgusting display of nepotism. Premier Ford is prioritizing giving contracts to his cronies over the long-term health and sustainability of the constituents of this province and the planet. He is choosing to make a quick buck (as I'm sure he has benefitted from the DeGasperis family and his other developer friends by way of campaign donations, and will continue to do so until the people of this province finally vote his greed and selfishness out of office), over helping the people of Ontario.

This proposal also puts lipstick on a pig by insinuating that it is only being introduced to address the housing crisis. Building large, detached single family homes will not address the housing crisis, and is again just another way for Ford to help line the pockets of his friends without any real intention of solving a problem. It is manipulative and disingenuous for this government to use the housing crisis to negate its responsibility to address (or at the very least, not WORSEN, which is what destroying protected land will do) the climate crisis. It is dishonest and disgusting. If this government wants to improve the housing situation, they need to build the missing middle density throughout this province, including in existing suburbs like Mr. Ford's native Etobicoke, and then fund the required transit to keep people moving to the places they need to go with greater density. None of this is rocket science because it already exists in most other densely populated developed nations. To put up your hands, sigh, and pretend that the only possible solution is to rip up protected land is criminal willful ignorance. To punish the people of Ontario for such nakedly selfish motivations is a disgusting and blatant abuse of power. And to do all of this AFTER saying that this government would not touch the Greenbelt because of previous public outcry to protect it? It is beyond duplicitous; it is diabolical and sinister.

Premier Ford should be legally investigated for his obvious conflict of interest in this proposal, and ejected from office. But barring that, at the bare minimum, this proposal MUST be shot down, and the Ontario Greenbelt needs to continue to be protected.

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