I believe the proposed…

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I believe the proposed changes to the Greenbelt are misguided. The proposal assumes that this will solve the 'housing crisis' that is claimed to be in Ontario. Not only will it not solve this issue, certainly not in the short term, but it will create a variety of problems for Ontario in the future. With respect to the 'housing crisis', I don't believe the issue is as big as the Ontario government claims it to be. While there are people looking for housing, homes (including condos/townhouses), I believe at present, the high-priced housing market is more to blame than there isn't enough housing and/or space for them. I see development happening where I live, in Hamilton, and there doesn't seem to be a shortage. For the most part, this development is making use of current available land, as it should. Expanding the urban boundary into the Greenbelt will not only increase costs for the City of Hamilton (infrastructure, etc.) but lose vital farm land. With respect to farm land, I believe this is far more vital, in many ways, than housing (again, it's not immediately needed and may or may not be in the future; it's guesstimate, even if statistics are used to help forecast number of people living in any given community). Ontario needs to be able to feed itself. And, we are in the fortunate position to be able to do so: Southern Ontario has some of the best soil for farming. "Paving paradise" will remove that forever. I would think this government is also a big supporter of 'home-grown' food based on the number of Foodland Ontario advertising I see. Additionally, I believe that those who provide Ontarians with food should feel that these efforts are valued by their government. I'm sure in the current climate, that is questionable. Farming has long been an important part of Ontario, it's past, present and we need it to be apart of our future. I also don't agree with the idea of swapping land, in order to make it appear that the government 'cares' about natural and agricultural spaces. On paper, it seems like a reasonable approach; I'm not convinced it is. Finally, I believe that these changes feed a less transparent Agenda: to allow the proposed Highway 413. The thinking seems to be "build and they will come". Again, misguided. There are other options rather than this highway: an under utilized 407. The government should review what can be done with the existing highways rather than paving over valuable farmland and wetlands. I am greatly saddened by the course this government is taking. It truly seems only interested in allowing a select few to benefit from these changes (developers who already own the land, an no doubt, those in the wings waiting). In closing I truly hope that this government actually listens to all the comments regarding this issue and not just use this process to check off "public consultation - complete."