I strongly believe we should…

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I strongly believe we should NOT develop the protected land that is the Green Belt. If we need more housing, build vertically (more high density housing). Do not take over land that Ontario and Ontarians have already decided to protect for environmental reasons. Surely the current government can consult all the reasons for why the Green Belt became a protected zone in the first place. Please get creative with your housing plan (e.g..more high density housing in cities and towns) instead of developing protected lands. You're making the very existence of Ontario's Green Belt a farce.

As an Ontarians living in the Golden Horseshoe, all the reasons for the Green Belt, as highlighted in the 2017 document (linked) continue to be important to me, especially as a new mother. I want my daughter to live in an Ontario that values environmental sustainability and protection.

"1.2.1 Vision
The Greenbelt is a broad band of permanently protected land which:

Protects against the loss and fragmentation of the agricultural land base and supports agriculture as the predominant land use;

Gives permanent protection to the natural heritage and water resource systems that sustain ecological and human health and that form the environmental framework around which major urbanization in south-central Ontario will be organized;

Provides for a diverse range of economic and social activities associated with rural communities, agriculture, tourism, recreation and resource uses;

Builds resilience to and mitigates climate change."