As a resident who was born…

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As a resident who was born and raised within Pickering I am strongly apposed to this proposed amendment.
The housing crisis does not mainly stem from a lack of housing, it stems from a lack of affordable housing due to the cost of housing skyrocketing to unprecedented amounts over the last few years.
All current housing development has not been seeking to improve this issue as each new project has shown that exact same cost ratio issue. Most of these new developments do not get bought by residents, they get bought by real estate investors and foreign investors; this is why many places are only available these days by rent that is still too much for a family to try to afford on their won without a super well paying job.
Rezoning these areas is not in any way to help the housing crisis, apartment buildings do that well enough and there are already many of those being planned. What rezoning these locations will actually do is destroy more of the land that is primarily wet land, prime farmland, and forests; for what, to build more expensive and cheaply constructed buildings that the average person will not be able to afford while claiming it is to help build housing for everyone? Also fast construction of houses, if you've seen the work that many of these construction companies do already for the house they are currently taking their sweet time to build, you'll see how badly they have been screwing up and slacking off. Construction related hazards and failures for home construction has tripled in the last 10 years. Sites regularly have houses burn down before they are even finished, in addition to the number that burn down after they are done due to faulty construction or other trades work. Not to forget to mention the countless illegal actions during the construction process of building, plumping, and wiring by non-certified workers; all is a massive disaster waiting to happen.
If you wish to combat the housing crisis then the cost of living and housing as it stands needs to be changed before anything. Taking even a brief look into what the housing crisis actually is instantly should inform you it is not an issue with how many houses their currently are, as I can not count the amount of vacant homes in my city alone.
This act will just add more fuel to the fire and cause the already little effort put in to keeping our wildlife areas intact fully thrown out. As companies are already attempting to remove wildlife zones by other illegal means in the attempt to make them seem like accidents. Altona forest is a prime example of this as loads of trees have been brought in and left as well as many trees that have been felled in the last few years by crews, all of it drying over time waiting for that spark to be lit so the entire forest will be out of the way for the new development plans that have already been proposed.
Do not turn our cities into cement hellscapes, properly address the issues at hand and things will be far better and more profitable in the long run.