I think Doug Ford is…

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I think Doug Ford is behaving in a corrupt way to benefit his donors. This plan is bad for the environment. Housing should be affordable and walkable and in existing neighbourhoods. This plan will create unnecessary and unwanted sprawl. It will affect our water and environment. We won't get that land or those species back once they are gone.

Someone should propose that all of those landowners on these protected lands (in perpetuity) donate the land back to the Greenbelt for a tax break.

Doug Ford promised he'd listen to the people and leave the Greenbelt alone. He should stick to his word to the people of Ontario or step down.

Listen to the environmental experts. Listen to the city planning experts. Don't listen to the developers. They only have their own interests in mind.

Do what is best for the future if Ontario because if things continue on the current trajectory no one will be able to live in those new builds in flood zones. Climate change is real and should be considered when building homes.

I'm a passionate and concerned Ontarian. I've been let down by this government for years and Doug Ford keeps showing us who he's really working for. It's not us.