I am writing to register my…

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I am writing to register my protest in the strongest possible terms to your amendment to the greenbelt. This land is not necessary to solve your housing challenges. Once gone, this land will never be available to the wildlife and to the citizens of Ontario who do not have cottages to escape to in order to appreciate "nature." There is so much land available to increase density within our towns and cities. This is absolutely a cash grab for developers, donors to the current Ontario government, and it's so plain to see. Among them, TACC Developments (Silvio De Gasperis), but there are many others, as recent investigative reports illuminate. We all know money in pockets of wealthy and powerful individuals is driving this land grab at the expense of farmland and environmentally sensitive areas. This is beyond reproach. The greenbelt was created to protect these lands and the Premier promised to respect it as recently as 2018, when it was politically expedient and could win him an election. You must see how foolhardy it is. Land to grow food, land for migrating birds to rest in, land for the flora and fauna that is crucial to the health of our planet. What is the true value of these lands? "Collectively, the developers who purchased land within the Greenbelt since Ford was elected spent more than $278 million, according to land registry documents." (https://thenarwhal.ca/ford-ontario-greenbelt-cuts-developers/). Ah, I see. There is a price tag. Come to Scarborough. We have room for densification. As does Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, St. Catharine's and more. There is no NEED to take away the small areas that are protected. No one believes you are solving the housing crisis for poor people and immigrants by building million dollar homes on the greenbelt.