Ontario's Greenbelt is the…

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Ontario's Greenbelt is the largest protected zone of near-urban nature & farmland on Earth. We cannot allow any government–even one with a "majority"–to hand out chunks of it to their billionaire buddies. We must speak out or we will lose this global treasure to greedy developers.

In addition to simply gifting public land to private interests, Doug Ford was caught on camera violating integrity rules by telling those same billionaire developers that he'd remove this land from the greenbelt. This is a clear conflict of interest and in a just world would signal the end of this government except for the fact that all his buddies in the media stand to make money off this land grab.

The Greenbelt is precious, beautiful, and we're lucky to have it. This plan will only lead to developments full of McMansions, leading to more sprawl, more cars on our roads, and utterly no change in the housing shortage we currently face.

We need to densify our current cities, invest in public transportation and alternative modes of transit, and give people options. Suburbia isn't sustainable.

This plan should fail, but thanks to Doug Ford's absolute single-mindedness about doing everything he can to disenfranchise people, it won't. Nonetheless, there's no reason to develop the Greenbelt. Invest in cities, not in sprawl.